Monday, September 21, 2009

How To Avoid Community Crime - Is Your Home Safe? Check Your GPS!

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As Featured On EzineArticles

A few days ago I received an email which in short shows how the convenience of modern technology may lead to community crime. We all have extremely busy lives and get caught up in the everyday rat race. We get caught up in having the newest and greatest technology gadgets, such as Global Positioning Systems (GPS), cell phones, Ipods, etc. But, once in a while, we all need to slow down and take a look at the world we are living in and the modern conveniences provided to us. We need to ensure that we are doing our best to protect our family and our love ones. Let me summarize one of the stories I received in the email. (I will write about the second story in the next blog.)

It is the time of year, when school starts up along with the fall/winter sports. This particular sport was football. While people were enjoying the game, someone had stolen a garage door remote control, money and a GPS, which was mounted on the dashboard, from a car parked on the green, just adjacent to the football stadium.

When the victims arrived home, they found their house had been ransacked and just about everything of value had been stolen.

The thieves used the GPS to guide them to the victim’s house. Upon arrival at the house, they used the garage remote control to open the garage door and gain entry to the house. The thieves knew the amount of time they had to rob the house blind for they knew the time the football game would end. It appears the thieves had obtained a truck to empty the victims’ house of its value possessions.

Therefore, consider how you make your entries into your GPS. Don’t put your home address in it. Consider entering into your GPS a nearby address (like a store, gas station, park, nearby attraction) so you can still find your way home if need be, but no one else will know where you live if your GPS should be stolen. Image how funny it would be to see the thieves’ faces when they arrive at a park, gas station, etc. LOL!

However, let’s look at the gloomy side of this story. Perhaps, you have a teenager who was home at the time the thieves arrived. Your child’s safety, mental and physical well-being has just been vandalized. I won’t even attempt to write the mental images of what could be for it is too disturbing.

While no one can protect their families from all the evil people or events that occur in this world, we all could take action to maximize our family’s safety. Consider this, how well do you really know your neighbors, your friends, relatives, your children’s coaches or teachers. Or does someone just make you feel uncomfortable. Do they have a past criminal record or are they listed on a sex offender registry?

Be assured that it is 100% legal to attain background checks and public records information. You have the right to find out about anyone at anytime. Finding the right service to perform this type of search is the real issue, until now.

You can utilize Net Detective to find the truth about anyone. You are allowed unlimited searches utilizing a huge database to complete background checks, check for criminal records, identity fraud or financial problems.

Or sign up with National Alert Registry to find sexual predators within your neighborhood. Keep your child or children safe. Find out with a free search.

So, the moral of this story is:  Avoid using names like home, hubby, honey, husband, wife, sweetheart, Dad, Mom, etc. within the modern technologies of today’s world, such as a GPS, cell phone, Ipod, etc. Maximize your safety and your family’s safety by checking out Net Detective and/or National Alert Registry. Be Smarter than the Thieves! Catch them first, not second!

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